We create sustainable, inspiring world-class campuses and meeting places. In this way, Chalmersfastigheter makes sure Chalmers has the best possible conditions for achieving its goal of becoming an internationally leading technical university. Important parts of our work includes supporting and rendering Chalmers’ vision for a sustainable future tangible, and the design of the campus environments plays a crucial part in this.
A property company contributing to the development of a sustainable society
Sustainability forms a natural part of everything we do, and we use resources efficiently, promote well-being and reduce climate impact. The goal is inspiring, sustainable learning environments that create the best conditions for learning, research and collaboration for the benefit of everyone. Campuses that attract the best talents from all over the world.
Our driving force from day-to-day – inspiring campuses and meeting places
Chalmers’ activities are centred around the campuses on Lindholmen and Johanneberg and at the Onsala Observatory. We also facilitate meetings, events and conferences at a unique historical meeting place in central Gothenburg: Chalmersska Huset, a building from 1808 owned by William Chalmers, founder of Chalmers University of Technology. In addition to managing and developing buildings and premises, we also offer student accommodation at Campus Johanneberg.